Monthly Archives: March 2008

Camping Experiment #2: Butano State Park

This past Friday night was Camping Experiment #2 at Butano State Park near Pescadero. I wanted to try out the tips that I’d gotten after Camping Experiment #1, plus just have a fun night out with my friend/coworker Jean. I … Continue reading

Posted in Camping, F650GS | 8 Comments

A couple of new write-ups

I was busy spinning wrenches on the Beemer on Sunday: Installing a fuse block Installing PIAA lights

Posted in F650GS, Wrenching | 2 Comments

Camping Experiment #1: Big Basin Redwoods State Park

Since I want to do some camping on my trip this summer (mom, are you reading this? If you are, I’m just kidding!), I’ve got some “pre-flight” camping trips scheduled to test out my newer gear. Friday night was Camping … Continue reading

Posted in Camping, F650GS | 5 Comments

Fun with numbers

My monthly commute is 560 miles. I average 49 mpg on my F650GS (dunno why so low). That’s 11.42 gallons a month. Assuming $3.99/gallon (regular gas), that’s $45.60/month or $547.20/year. I no longer own a car, but using the numbers … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 9 Comments

Dualsporting near Seattle

I spent the weekend up in Seattle, dualsporting with Colleen. Click here to read about it!

Posted in Rides, XT225 | 2 Comments