Monthly Archives: July 2007

A “berry” fun ride

Saturday was our monthly Wind Dancers start-at-Starbucks-go-wherever-we-feel-like ride. We had a nice small group: myself, Jenny, Prue, and a new member named Charlotte. We decided to head vaguely southeast and hit some backroads before winding up at a wonderful berry … Continue reading

Posted in F650GS, Rides, Women on Wheels | Leave a comment

Wedding rings

Stephen wanted to see our wedding rings, so here they are. 🙂 Photo courtesy of, and copyright by, Holly Blumenthal of Spirelight Photography.

Posted in No Bike Content | 2 Comments

Fixing a drowned bike

This is from the most recent Cape York Motorcycle Adventures newsletter…I’m copying it here so that I can find it quickly if I need it again. —– Copyright Roy Kunda 2007. In the last issue we gave you part of … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 3 Comments


Dropping the F650GS on Saturday made me realize that I don’t mind dropping my bikes anymore. This probably has something to do with the fact that all of my drops are now off-road (as opposed to, say, when stepping in … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 1 Comment

Moto brew for Moto GP

What other beer could we have even considered for the race?

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