Birthday fun

Well, Sunday was my birthday, bringing me to year 29 of roaming the earth looking for good roads and good beer.

I got two very nice birthday presents; the first one was a visit from Cat! I see Cat far too infrequently since she moved back to Toronto, so it’s always really nice to see her when she’s in town for some work conference. 😉

She borrowed Dora for the afternoon, and along with her friend Ben, we did a quick ride up to Alice’s to meet Kim for lunch.

It was really great to see her, and I was even lucky enough to get an Evil Robot photo with her spectacular leathers. Cat and I are both just one big walking Helimot ad. 😉


My second kickass birthday present came after a very nice dinner (thanks, Peter!) — Salamander bar end weights for the Z! *happypurr*

Because I am Very Very Dorky, I didn’t even want to take off my heels to install the new bar ends. Since the old ones required the air compressor to remove (much simpler than the pipe wrench method I used on the SVS), I got to play dressed-up fashion model with tools.

I’m very proud to say that not one drop of grease wound up on that shirt. 😉

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The bar end weights work great, by the way. I commuted in to work on the bike yesterday, and could actually type at work after having ridden on the freeway! No numb hands. 🙂 This is A Stellar Improvement and gives me much hope for the future. *happy*

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