I had to take my rook piercing out today, which made me very sad.
It migrated out once before, just after I’d had it done in …. god, it must have been 1996 or so. I had it redone, though, and it’d served me well until recently. Over the last six months, the earring hadn’t been playing nice with my custom earplugs and helmet. About a month ago, I lost the bead and had to replace the earring…and it started to migrate out again.
I finally faced facts today after it hurt the whole way back from Paso Robles, so out came the earring. I may try again in a few months after the hole heals. It’s always been a painful piercing for me, though, and since I’m not about to stop wearing a helmet (or custom earplugs)…it may just be time to say goodbye to that piercing. Sigh. Nine years. It was always my favorite one, too.
With that gone and my cartilage hole closed up, I’m down to 14 piercings. Mom always said I’d get rid of them all someday… 😉
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