Woo, the Serow has the mad bling now, boy howdy!
Given my track record with clutch/brake levers and the fact that dirtbikes seemed to be dropped fairly often, I figured I should get some handguards for the Serow. Y’know, at least somewhat reduce the possibility of giving all of my paycheck to the happy lever fairies.
I started doing the installation write-up but have gotten bogged in midterm hell for my fitness classes. It’s looking doubtful that I’ll finish before going away for the weekend[*]. So, to quash your burning suspense, here’s a piccie:
[*] I’m going away this weekend!!! Peter and I are riding down to Death Valley to ogle wildflowers. After the rains (and flooding, eek) last summer, the flowers are blooming early and are supposedly spectacular. I could probably be convinced to take a photo or two. If you’re lucky. 😉