Monthly Archives: February 2011


Andrew and his son Frank came by this morning and put the new brake pads on the Ninja.  He also flushed out the brake fluid and put my new stainless steel front brake line on.  Thanks, Andrew! I wanted to … Continue reading

Posted in Ninja 250, Rides | 5 Comments

Stopping is overrated.

Andrew came over on Friday night to help me (translation: do all the work) put new tires on the Ninja, as well as do an oil change and give the bike a general once-over. He declared the bike in good … Continue reading

Posted in Ninja 250, Wrenching | 2 Comments

February progress report

What’s Going On? I had my two-week-after-the-epidural checkup with my doctor on Thursday and he seemed legitimately surprised that I was just getting back down to the pain level I’d had before getting the shots in the first place.  “That’s … Continue reading

Posted in Ruptured Disc Adventures | 6 Comments

Epidural: one week report

Well, technically tomorrow it’ll be a week, but I probably won’t have time to update my blog, so this’ll have to be close enough. My pain level has gone from about a 8 or 9/10 in the 24 hours following … Continue reading

Posted in Ruptured Disc Adventures | 5 Comments