Leaving for WI tomorrow!

Tomorrow begins the three-week-ish bike trip to the homeland. I’ll probably blog about it a little bit — a picture here, a story there — but I want most of my writing energy to go into personal notes. So there will most likely be many days without any updates.

I’m not even remotely packed. It takes me about an hour to pack for a 3-week trip now; that includes running to the neighboring drugstore for toiletries that I’d forgotten that I need. 😉 I’m so in favor of the $1 “travel size” portions of damn near everything. Even the Aveeno lotion that I love has a travel sized container now! *heaven*

I was thinking of splurging and bringing all three of my jackets, but I can only fit one in a sidebag with all the tools, etc. So I’m bringing the Helimot leather jacket and the Kilimanjaro. I’m taking the leather one strictly for impractical sentimental reasons — Evil Robot will ride again!

The bike’s in good shape. I brought it to Hare Racing yesterday to install the new chain and sprocket set; they also adjusted my clutch for me and gave the bike a good once-over. So I have brand-new brake pads, brand-new tires (well, ok, tires with 900 miles on them), a new Scottoiler, a brand-new chain and sprocket set…

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