Bring out your RVs!

I’ve been waffling about how to announce this, since it’s, like, all cool and stuff but yet I must try to act professional. Thus, I sound schizophrenic. 😉

My Wind Dancers friends Leslie and Paula started a tour company a couple of years ago, called Hug the Curve. It works in cooperation with Towanda Women Motorcycle Tours, which runs tours for women in Australia and New Zealand. Paula and Leslie handle the US/Canada tours.


Hug the Curve needed an assistant tour guide for their upcoming Great Northwest Adventure tour — 12 days through Washington, British Columbia, Alberta, Montana, and Idaho.

And they asked me.

I’m so frickin’ excited. Not only is it a kickass opportunity to ride through some gorgeous scenery, but it’s such a huge compliment that they think I’ll be good for their business. I’ll be helping with route preparation, with writing the tour book that the paying customers will receive, plus, on the trip itself, I’ll be helping to make sure that everyone is having a great time and is learning stuff.

I’m already digging into the British Columbia books I bought for the Alaska trip (Peter: “Wow, it’s almost like it was worth buying EVERY BOOK EVER PUBLISHED on British Columbia” — he’s just bitter that he has no room on any of our bookshelves…).

It’s going to be a great business partnership, methinks. I get another opportunity to ride somewhere spectacular and write about it; Leslie and Paula get publicity for their company from said writing (see, like I’m doing right now 😉 ).

Very unprofessional *bounce* *bounce* *bounce* I get to go get stuck behind RVs in Canada again!

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