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2002 Honda GL1800 Gold Wing

I will probably lose cool points for saying this, but I really love the new Gold Wings. I saw one for the first time at last July's Women on Wheels Ride-In and was utterly shocked at how thin it is; when I did the skills practice with the Gold Wing riders, I was utterly shocked at how agile it is. If I was going to do any serious touring, by which I mean live on the road, there's no question that I'd do my best to bring one of these with me. Again, I want to mention that this Gold Wing's seat is at least as thin as the stock seat on my SV650S sportsbike, if not narrower yet. The urban legend that the Gold Wing is a huge, lumbering, unwieldy cow on wheels is just plain not true.

Peter's thoughts from the saddle: "Do I look forty, sitting on this?" I don't think he does.

Honda's spec page