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October 3, 2002

in other news.
Before I start off on my usual rambling blather about motorcycles and other subjects that are at best tangentially related, I'd like to take a moment to go way off topic.

We shipped.

No, really, we did. Ask Tony. You can now go into any of your friendly neighborhood T-Mobile stores and buy a hiptop (sorry, a "T-Mobile Sidekick"). Surreal!

My segue to tie this back into biking is to thank Paul and Carla for coming down to the T-Mobile store for our opening day at 9am, and standing in line for two hours to buy one of the first hiptops. Just goes to show, motorcyclists are good people.

So now I can relax and stop working too long, and rejoin the human -- or at least, mostly human -- race.

what are you wearing, there?
Did you see my hip new jacket? It's 1984 all over again, believe you me! My friend Debi was getting rid of her old racing suit, and since it fit me perfectly, I happily took it off her hands for her. The combination of the jacket and the pants is a wee bit too much, even for me (I can only take so much hot pink and pastel teal green...), but the jacket alone is tolerable until my Helimot suit comes in.

Speaking of which, that suit should be ready in just a couple of weeks. That gives me precious little time to figure out how to survive the winter in it.

Last night, Kim and I tried out this little yoga studio right across the street from her apartment. By the time it was done, and we'd had dinner and gabbed, it was pretty late at night and had gotten chilly. No, strike that; it was cold. I left my yoga pants (!) on under my leather pants, for more warmth, and put on a long sleeved T-shirt. And then put on the fitted leather jacket. Ha. I couldn't even move. I had to waddle out to the bike, I was so compressed by layers under that jacket. I swear to god, I could feel my internal organs being moved around and held in place by the tension. I was scared to death to unzip the jacket when I got home, for fear that my liver would shoot right out.

When I got to work this morning, the first thing I did was order an Aerostich fleece wind triangle, in the hopes that this will allow me to remain warm while wearing my leather jacket in the winter. It's going to be a long winter if I can't fit more than a T-shirt and long-sleeved T-shirt under the coat. Brrr.

other random updates.
Let's see, what else have I been up to....

Fun with electricity. Cat gave me one of her old battery tenders, so I decided that disecting it would be a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon. I bought another 12v cigarette plug socket and plug, and cut the alligator clips off of the battery tender. I soldered the clips' wiring to the female 12v socket, and the battery tender wiring to the male 12v plug. Now, if I want to charge the SVS battery, I just plug the tender right into the 12v socket I'd already connected to the bike battery. To charge the Superhawk or the Nighthawk, I just plug the alligator clips back onto the tender via the 12v conncections, and it works as normal.

Girls kick ass. Another fun Wind Dancers End-of-Month Putt last weekend. We met up with a bunch of gals at the usual Starbucks in Fremont -- some of the newest members carpooled in a truck, since they're not on the freeway yet but still wanted to meet new people and hang out. That just rocks. The rest of us tried to go riding in the East Bay, but the road we wanted to take was closed, so we took surface streets back down to San Jose to go shopping at Road Rider. Y'all know my feelings about Road Rider, but the flesh is weak, and they had the Chatterbox units that I'd been looking for, and on sale. So, I picked up two of the FRS X2 units for Peter and I. We haven't had a chance to test them out yet; maybe we'll do a short test run this weekend. I'll post a review after we try 'em out. :)

That's about it -- I've been pretty busy with this whole "product launching" thing. I'd like to start a brakes project on the Nighthawk: I bought some new master cylinder and caliper gaskets and caps and etc. Maybe this weekend I'll have some time to start in on that.