anthony picture of the day.
From yesterday's test at Laguna Seca. The unofficial times I saw had him placed third (behind Nicky Hayden and Doug Chandler) with 1:26.8 on the first day (Tuesday?).

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March 28, 2002

not dead!
I figured I'd better write something tonight, since people are starting to send me "hey, are you dead?" emails. My bad. A brief summary of my past two weeks:
  • When you say things like, "wow, I wish I knew more about the electrical and charging systems of a vehicle", the universe will comply by immediately zapping your car's alternator. This will result in four trips to three different mechanics over the course of two weeks, ultimately ending up with your car dying in South Lake Tahoe, during your, ahem, relaxing weekend, ahem.
  • But at least I got some snowboarding in eventually.
  • I'm sitting here now waiting for The Pilot Light Man to come over and make my pilot light better. The damn furnace won't turn off, and when I came home from work the other night, it was 85F in here and the cats had shed every strand of fur they owned onto my couch. Except for the ones that they shed onto my pillows.

capt'n obvious to the rescue.
So the weather here has been gorgeous lately, which means I've been riding to work every day. During one of my commutes, it suddenly occurred to me that I've been staring at the ground when I drive or ride, rather than looking/scanning the horizon. Now, in my defense, I'm not like staring straight down at my feet or anything, but rather about ~20 feet in front of me or so. I'm trying to consciously bring my line of sight UP UP UP while I'm riding, and boy howdy, it shure does make thangs a ton easier. So there ya go.

why hast thou forsaken me, motorcycle consumer news?
Motorcycle Consumer News, which is the best -- and most expensive -- magazine I subscribe to, has not seen fit to actually follow me through my move. Despite three emails and a snail mail letter, I still have not received an issue since the last one delivered to my old apartment. This makes me sad, and I weep in the night. Have I mentioned that I'm never moving again? Ever ever ever? I mean, c'mon. Every 0% APR RIGHT NOW!!!!! piece of junk mail on the planet has managed to find me again; how hard can it be for Motorcycle Consumer News? sigh.

i hope it doesn't snow.
In a week, I have the amazing fortune to be going back to the homeland for 10 days. Trust me, it won't be a vacation. Fortunately, though, by sheer chance, I happened to discover that the Suzuki dealership closest to my parents' house is starting to rent out Ducatis. Hrm. I am currently inquiring as to price, and hopefully I'll be able to rent a Monster or something for a few days while I'm there. More as it develops.

i love my garage.
I finally got a garage key for my individual, enclosed, garage and am slowly starting to put crap in it. I need to go to Peter's place this weekend for the bulk of my tools. I'm pretty excited about having my own work area at my apartment; I'm hoping to start doing more mechanical kind of stuff for some other people, too, and maybe get paid for some of it. The garage is good for other reasons, too -- The Gods Of Laughable Timing have struck once more and now, two months after I sign a lease on an apartment I love, Peter is having to move as well, and who knows if his next place will have a garage, or where it'll be, or anything. So it's nice that I can just take all my stuff and hang onto it and not have to worry about (a) all my sockets being lost in his move, or (b) my sockets being moved to Santa Cruz or some other far away location. I am very protective of my sockets. Grr.

ok, that's all you're getting.
How anti-climactic. "I waited almost three weeks for this?"