378_7834.JPG:Glorious Stevens Creek Blvd in Cupertino 378_7835.JPG:The downside of riding past a quarry on a weekday 378_7836.JPG:Doo doo doo, still behind the gravel truck on Stevens Canyon Rd 378_7837.JPG:The only thing better than one gravel truck? Two gravel trucks! 378_7838.JPG:Once past the quarry, I was dodging bicycles instead of trucks 378_7839.JPG:Choices, choices...Mt Eden or Stevens Canyon? 378_7840.JPG:Pierce Road: one of the area's hidden gems 378_7841.JPG:Swoopies on Highway 9 378_7842.JPG:A nice blurry picture of Skyline Blvd (aka Hwy 35) 378_7843.JPG:Another shot of Skyline (Hwy 35)